Vacuum-compatible stages

Xeryon offers motorized vacuum-compatible stages powered by our patented Crossfixx™ ultrasonic motor.

All of our vacuum stages (both linear and rotary) stages are available with high vacuum (HV) and ultra high vacuum (UHV) options, making them highly suitable for SEM (scanning electron microscopy) environments, vacuum chambers and similar applications.

These vacuum stages are characterized by their compact size, ultra-high precision, high speed, long travel range and long lifetime.

Every component, from the bearings to the drive mechanism, is sealed and crafted to prevent outgassing, ensuring the purity and integrity of your vacuum environment.


Vacuum compatible stagesUHV stage
Vacuum compatible linear stages

Vacuum compatible linear stages

Our vacuum compatible linear stages are represented in our XLS product line. These motorized vacuum stages are available with high vacuum (HV, 10-6 mbar) and ultra high vacuum (UHV, 10-9 mbar) options.

In addition, we offer several vacuum feedthrough connectors (D-sub 15 pin, Fischer 12 pin, Lemo 12 pin) and flanges.

Vacuum linear stages - main specifications:

  • Driving forces: 1N or 3N
  • Travel range: 10 mm to 110 mm
  • Encoder resolution: 1,25 μm ... 1 nm
  • Maximum speed: 1000 mm/s
  • Weight: starting at < 50 grams
  • Load capacity: 500 grams
  • Lifetime: > 1000 km or 20 million cycles
  • Noiseless operation
  • Self-locking
  • Low-magnetic and full non-magnetic options available

Vacuum compatible rotation stages

Our vacuum compatible rotation stages are represented in our Precision Rotation Stages product line. Our rotation stages are powered by either ultrasonic piezo or stick-slip piezo.

Like our linear stages, our rotary stages are can be ordered with high vacuum (HV, 10-6 mbar) and ultra high vacuum (UHV, 10-9 mbar) options.

We also offer a variety of vacuum feedthrough connectors and flanges (see our linear vacuum stages above).

Vacuum rotation stages - main specifications:

The specifications for our vacuum rotation stages depend on the model. Please see our Precision Rotation Stages page for details.

Vacuum compatible rotation stages

Vacuum stages - product videos