Lasers & spectroscopy

Xeryon stages and actuators are extremely well suited for motorizing optics in laser and spectroscopy systems.

Offering precision, stability, efficiency and a whole lot more, they allow technological breakthroughs in a wide variety of photonics applications.


Motion re-imagined

Precision without compromise

Not only do Xeryon stages offer microradian / nanometer resolution, they are self-locking, meaning no power is needed to hold the desired position. This means there is zero drift, a reduction of power usage and heat generation, and no unwanted resonance or noise in your laser system.

Downsize with direct-drive

All of our products are all direct-drive, resulting in a simple, compact and reliable design with backlash-free operation. Microstepping with bulky stepper motors and transmission components is thing of the past now.

Vacuum compatibility

For those needing cleanroom or vacuum compatibility, Xeryon offers range of HV and UHV product variants.

Ultrasonic piezo motor
Miniature rotation stages

Our rotation stages are often used in laser systems to replace stepper motors: They are smaller, more precise, quieter and don't need power to hold position.

Example applications


  • Precise rotation of gratings and other optics

  • Linear or vertical sample positioning (e.g. cuvettes or heavier objects)

  • Sample scanning

  • Lens focusing

  • Adaptive optics

  • Beam alignment and steering

  • And many more...

Related products - laser applications

Want to discuss your laser application?

We look forward to exploring a possible collaboration. Get in touch through e-mail, phone or video:

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