Motion solutions for microscopy
Our motorized stages are the perfect match for microscope systems.
In fact, some might think they were developed specifically for microscopes, as they offer a wide range of microscopy-specific advantages.
Suitable for X, XY, XYZ or rotary applications.
✓ Compactness
✓ Speeds from 5 μm/s to 1 m/s
✓ Positioning up to 1 kHz
✓ Resolution up to 5 nm
✓ Silent operation
✓ Long lifetime
✓ Triggered readouts
✓ Holds position without power
✓ Backdrivable
✓ No magnetic field generation
Example applications
Sample positioning stages (XY / XYZ)
Focus adjustment (Z-axis)
Automated scanning
Probe positioning
Sample loading
Mirror and filter positioning
and more ...
Microscope motion, re-imagined
Miniature, high-resolution stages with unparalleled speeds: Based on our patented ultrasonic motor technology, our products offer performance and functionality uncomparable to alternative motion technology. Take your microscope design to the next level on multiple spectrums at once.
Unmatched versatility
From ultra-slow scanning with triggered readouts to high-frequency positioning and backdrivability: Our stages do it all, and they do so silently.
Stable under all conditions
The self-locking mechanism of the stages means no power is needed to hold the target position. In addition to low energy consumption, this mechanism results in zero position drift and excludes unwanted noise and vibration
For vacuum applications, we offer high vacuum (HV) and ultra high vacuum (UHV) models.
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Want to discuss your microscopy application?
We look forward to exploring a possible collaboration. Get in touch through e-mail, phone or video: